President Jose called the conference call meeting of the Missouri Shorthorn Association to
order @ 8 pm. All board members were accounted for on the call.
Old Business
1) Kylee and Kyle Dameron gave a quick report on Shorthorn Jr. Nationals in Maryland.
Numbers were down, but still a good show with 3 Missouri Jr. members and 4 head
2) Jr. awards for the MO State Fair have been covered, except for 2 buckle sponsorships. It
was decided to move anyone with more than 1 sponsorship already to cover the
buckles, which will enable us to cover the other awards with extra sponsorships.
Anything left over can be held over to use for prizes for the MO Cattlemen’s All Breeds
Show next summer.
3) Sarah gave us updates on the website:
a. Home Page now has a renewal link.
b. News update has been updated with Breeder of the Year award and new board
c. Still need to update By-Laws and format for Google.
4) John has sent out the membership and Ambassador renewals thru the new system on
email-a lot of not been opened. Still agree it’s more efficient to do renewals online if we
New Business
1) We would like to offer a MO Shorthorn Association online store for promotional
items. John is going to work on this and do research on items, costs, etc. Anyone
who has any ideas or thoughts is welcome to assist. Thoughts were shirts, hats,
buckles, knives, cups, license plate covers to begin with.
2) It was brought up again about possibly raising membership dues. It was agreed that
since we had already begun collecting for the 2024/25 year, we table that until next
year’s membership campaign.
3) It was also asked if we need to consider using other forms of payment for
membership, ie Venmo. We will leave the system as is for now, taking the 3% charge
for online payment to speed up the process.
4) Ozark Shorthorn Association is going to send their $5,000 to John to transfer them
fully into the Missouri Shorthorn Association. It will be kept in a separate account,
hopefully high interest money market account, set up by John. It was discussed that
any interest earned could then be used in the future for awards.
5) Reminder deadline for registering for the Missouri State Fair livestock shows closes
July 8, 2024. The plan is to have the Missouri Shorthorn Association meal after the
open show on Saturday, August 17 th outside of the Coliseum as weather permits.
Jose adjourned the meeting @ 8:40 pm.