Missouri Shorthorn Association Meeting Minutes for October 30, 2024
President Jose Cruz called the meeting to order @ 8:00 pm.
The Agenda was as follows:
1) Fall Sale
-Jose thanked Brett for his time on a very successful fall MSA sale
- Brett said it’s the highest grossing sale we’ve had-everything sold but 1 steer
-$700 will be donated to the MO Juniors from the sale
-need to start working on more donation lots for the spring sale, shooting for March 25,
2025 date
2) MSA Juniors
-President Mealeia Cover said meeting is set for this Saturday, 11/2/24, @ Fahrmeier’s
@ 2 pm-around 30 RSVPs right now-MSA members are invited as well
-Advisors and JD McGaugh are working on By Laws and will be discussed at Saturday’s
officer meeting
-Good representation at the American Royal last week by the MSA juniors-a couple plan
attend NAILE as well
3) MSA Status
- It was discussed that MSA and MSA Juniors join together to acquire 501c3 status for
both groups. Cost is $850, online application, attorney involvement is not required but
recommended. Bill Betteridge moved and John H 2 nd that we work on the online
application. Motion passed. We will also discuss JD McGaugh’s assistance as a lawyer
with him in person Saturday at the meeting to review and help get this application rolling.
4) MSA Membership-Jose reiterated the need to continue to encourage membership and
industry partner/ambassador sponsorships. Missouri is now #9 in registrations per the ASA
meeting last week attended by Jose, Brett, and John H.
5) 2025 Health Papers- MO Dept of Ag is planning to continue to push health certificates at all
Missouri shows in 2025. It was discussed and was decided it was unavoidable and will be dealt
John H. moved to adjourn, Bill B. 2 nd , motion passed @ 8:36 pm.