Missouri Shorthorn Association Meeting Minutes for September 25, 2024
President Jose Cruz called the meeting to order @ 8:05 pm.
The Agenda was as follows:
1) Missouri Jr. Report
-Jose asked if there was any news-Beverly stated the next Jr. meeting had been set for
11/2/24 @ Fahrmeier’s Farm in Lexington-will follow up if that’s for juniors only or if MSA
will be a part of it.
2) MSA Sale
-Photos need to be done by 10/29
-any donated semen or embryo lots need to be turned in asap
-Jose secured a full-page ad for the sale in the October edition of Shorthorn Country
3) MSA Online Store
-good quality/sizes/shipping have been noticed by those who have ordered
-7 orders so far for $791.28 - $28 in fees for total profit of $83
-Both buckles have been sold-not sure we will be able to sell 10-12, so will post a
reminder about availability to try and encourage more orders
-Beverly moved to have another buckle made to keep on hand for industry events, it was
seconded and passed.
4) MSA Website-John said he needed to update the membership on the website
5) Memorials- John moved, Bill 2 nd we make $50 memorial donations to the Shorthorn
Foundation in memory of Steve Edwards and George Henke-motion passed
- delegates at the ASA meeting in October will make a resolution for these memorials as well
The meeting was adjourned @ 8:17 pm.